Pictures are worth a thousand words!
Been bad about posting photos for the last few months. So I selected some of the most fun below
To see some of the projects that I have been work on click here. Future project photos I will also put here in this album.
Project Photos
Random pictures of my time in Peace Corps. Check regularly for new photos.
Random photos in the PC
Bonus Video of Corcodile
And for the bonus, check this video out where my new site mate, Corby and Keri, gets initiated to PC by trying to get an alligator out of the pond of our landlord. The Crocodile was ended up in the pond when Hurrican Mitch passed through the area and flooded the area and dislocated the crocodile. Since then he has eaten numerous dogs drinking water at the pond's edge. This day, a dog was half eaten and they decided to remove the alligator using the half eaten dog as bait. This attempt failed. I went back a month later and try a trap, but the crocodile got away. Now we are waiting for the water level to go down and also seek a home for it before trying again. Stayed tuned for future videos. You never know, I might end up on Animal Planet. Funny to read the comments. I guess we have to be crazy to live in the jungle and to be in the Peace Corps.
Crocodile Video
Come back often for more photos.
To see some of the projects that I have been work on click here. Future project photos I will also put here in this album.
Project Photos
Random pictures of my time in Peace Corps. Check regularly for new photos.
Random photos in the PC
Bonus Video of Corcodile
And for the bonus, check this video out where my new site mate, Corby and Keri, gets initiated to PC by trying to get an alligator out of the pond of our landlord. The Crocodile was ended up in the pond when Hurrican Mitch passed through the area and flooded the area and dislocated the crocodile. Since then he has eaten numerous dogs drinking water at the pond's edge. This day, a dog was half eaten and they decided to remove the alligator using the half eaten dog as bait. This attempt failed. I went back a month later and try a trap, but the crocodile got away. Now we are waiting for the water level to go down and also seek a home for it before trying again. Stayed tuned for future videos. You never know, I might end up on Animal Planet. Funny to read the comments. I guess we have to be crazy to live in the jungle and to be in the Peace Corps.
Crocodile Video
Come back often for more photos.